The role of the Logistics sector in the economy as a whole is key. In the case of Barcelona and its area of influence, the weight of this economic activity in GDP in the region is around 14%, surpassed only in Europe by the Netherlands. In relation to employment, almost a fifth of the labor market supply is directly associated with this area of activity. This data, among others, point to the consolidation and leadership of Barcelona as a logistics hub in southern Europe.
On the other hand, the speed with which changes are taking place in today’s societies discourages any kind of complacency and encourages strategic planning so as not to miss the train of the future. Increasingly, Logistics is a clear generator of added value for companies in all economic sectors, which leads to the creation of new and better paid jobs. That is why both, public administrations and the private sector have the responsibility to create the conditions for Barcelona to take advantage of its great logistic potential (location, entrepreneurship, infrastructure and talent), to develop new value-added activity and, consequently, to generate greater levels of wealth for companies and workers. Segments linked to e-commerce, automation and process improvement or data analysis and the development of predictive models that minimize risks, represent some of the opportunities that the logistics sector in Barcelona cannot and must not miss.
Through the table you see below, at Barcelona Talent Logistics we aim to share with you the salary standards by level of experience for the top 20 of the positions that best reflect the activity in our business. In the update that we will publish over the upcoming months, there should be a significant evolution in the type of positions that will define the logistics activity in our area, along with a salary adjustment, as a result of a greater added value of these new roles.